Report reference
Enter the name or number of the contract to which the report corresponds, the inspection route, the periodicity of the inspection, the reason of the analysis, work order, request number, name of the requestor, the department that has requested the analysis, name of the project, internal reference.
Some examples of the “Report Reference” field that users use are:
- "Quarterly Test"
- "Contract 2020-001"
- "Test 202006"
- "Stop 2020 Second Quarter"
- "WO CM03449"
If this field is left empty, the report date is used as report reference.
Enter the context under which the asset inspection is performed. Many analysts use this field to record the scope, reasons, and requestor of the inspection. If it is a depth analysis report, the used methodology should be briefly specified.
Some examples of the "Introduction" field that users use are:
- "Periodical report"
- "Vibrations analysis corresponding to the annual contract 2020"
- “Analysis made at the request of the Pickling staff to verify high vibrations in the blowing fan”
- "Diagnosis for the study of high vibration in pipes connected in multi-stage pump requested by production manager"
- "Analysis of global stock trends between 03/01/2020 and 04/01/2020"
Measurement date *
Enter the date the vibration data was collected either using laptop or online system data. Please note that if trend images, waveforms, and spectra are included, the date must be consistent.
If data corresponding to a period of time of online systems is analyzed, enter the date of the last data in this field and specify the period analyzed in the "Introduction" field.
Please note that the date format can be configured in the user settings.
Analysis date *
Enter the date the analysis was performed. If the analysis took more than a day, enter the date the analysis was completed. Most users make the report the same day of the analysis, so this situation is assumed as standard.
* Mandatory field
Operating conditions
Write the operating conditions under which the asset was working during the vibration collection. Operating conditions are generally defined by their operating parameters or by their mode of operation. Various parameters or characteristics of the operating mode can be added.
Some examples of the "Operating conditions" field that users use are:
- "Normal Operating Condition"
- "Standard"
- "32 psi"
- "Full load"
- "Line speed 3m/s"
- "Engine idling"
Manual entry measurements
The analyst must enter the values of the parameters configured in the report. Please note that you must enter the readings in the units indicated in the setup. In vibration analysis reports, the readings are usually vibration, temperature, and working operation parameters. Readings will be shown in the report as trends.
Measurement points
The measurement points are the places selected to install the vibration sensor, either with portable or with permanent sensors. Measurement points must be selected by a specialist following technical criteria.
For each measurement point, it is necessary to specify the orientations in which the sensor was installed, for example, horizontal, vertical, and axial.
Power-MI has an annotation module that allows the user to upload a photo or diagram of the machine to indicate the measurement points and orientation in which the sensor was installed. You can see in detail how to use the annotation module here.
To add a schematic drawing or image of the machine to add later the measurement points, you can upload or drag the file. Files must be less than 100 MB, in PNG, GIF, JPG or JPEG format and less than 1280x1024 pixels.
Measurement points description
Enter here a description of the measurement points or on what basis they have been selected. You can also specify the type of sensor mounting (magnet, bolt, etc.), whether they were portable or permanent sensors, whether the measurement was taken from a place remote from the sensor, the suitability of the point, or any note regarding the suitability of the point selected.
Some examples of the "Measurement points description" field that users use are:
- "The vibration sensor was placed in the closest location of the bearings"
- "No axial measurements were taken at points near the coupling"
- “The horizontal NDE Motor point was placed on cooling blades”
- "The sensor was put with a magnet at all points and orientations"
Add images of the vibration measurements (trends, waveforms, or spectra) that are relevant for the diagnosis of the machine condition.
Images can be uploaded as files or with copy/paste functions from the operating system clipboard. This option only works in certain browsers.
Once the file is uploaded, you can edit the ‘Title’ field above each image.
Measurements description
Write an overview of the measurements included in the vibration analysis report if you want to give evidence of the criteria to include these measurements or when you want to name the measurements taken in a general way.
Some examples of the "Measurements description" field that users use are:
- “Global RMS Speed Value Trends”
- "Velocity spectra that show harmonics of the rotation speed"
- "Acceleration waveforms and envelope spectra showing bearing failure"
Fault diagnosis
Select the faults you have diagnosed in your vibration analysis. For this, you must select the status of each fault as follow:

No signs or symptoms are displayed to indicate the fault in the analysis.

There are signs or symptoms of failure. Its level of deterioration is moderate or there is no evidence of imminent damage from a functional failure of the asset.

There are signs or symptoms of failure. There is a possibility of imminent functional failure of the asset.

There are no signs or symptoms that can show the status of the failure or that failure could not be detected with vibration analysis on that asset.
The faults that the analyst user has available during the creation of the report have been previously configured in the asset by an administrator user.
You can describe here how the current vibration measurement levels are compared to previous reports. You can also add signals evolution at specific frequencies or the presence of previously unobserved signals.
Some examples of the "Evolution" field that users use are:
- "Overall vibration levels are stable"
- "There are no increases in vibration levels"
- "Increased levels of fan vibration"
- "Appearance of sidebands around the line frequency"
Diagnosis summary
Write in one sentence the diagnosis of the vibration analysis of the asset or the main failure of the asset.
Some examples of the "Diagnosis Summary" field that users use are:
- "Shaft misalignment between motor and fan"
- "Turbine group without defects detectable by vibrations"
- "Possible electrical failure in motor"
- “Gearbox in critical condition”
Write the complete diagnosis, its evidence, preferably referring to the measures included in the report, the diagnostic criteria, the certainty, or the magnitude of the failure or condition.
Asset condition
If you don't change the status, "Good" will remain by default. The status of the asset must be evaluated according to ISO 10816, which also includes the following states in which the condition of an asset can be classified according to its severity level:

The machine is considered as newly commissioned or reconditioned. The measured levels are within the limits specified in the standards; data analyzed is correct for the operating conditions of the machine and its associated phenomena (hydraulic, mechanical and electrical). No failure or malfunction components detected for the analyzed elements. No significant increase in the measured levels compared to previous measurements.

Measured levels may be higher than those set by the relevant standards or similar machines, but do not represent any risk to the machine; levels observed are typical for an asset operating in these conditions. No failure or malfunction component observed. Increases in measured levels from previous measurements are not significant.

Measured levels may be higher or even lower than those set by the standards although malfunctioning components are observed. They have not produced yet a failure but represent a risk to the machine operation in the future. Increases in measurement levels from the previous measures may be tiny or moderate. It recommends the closest monitoring of the asset and even intervention to check on it.

Measured levels are generally excessive or higher than those set by the standards, observed malfunction and even failure components, which represent a clear risk of damage in the machine. Increases of the measured levels from the previous measures can be important. Immediate implementation of actions in the machine aimed at the elimination of observed faulty phenomena is recommended. Damage assessment and testing to verify the quality of the action made.

The asset is not accessible or does not meet.
This is the most important part of the vibration analysis report. Recommendations are the actions to be taken on the asset to improve its condition.
Recommendations can be classified according to the task:
Corrective: they are aimed at eliminating the cause of the failure or abnormal operating condition.
Proactive: they are executed to improve the asset's condition even if the asset is in a “Good” or “Acceptable” state.
Verification: they are suggested to verify or improve the certainty of the diagnosis made in the analysis.
Follow-up: they are suggested when the asset must be continuously monitored to verify a fault or detected status.
Operational: they are suggested when it is required to change the operating conditions of the asset temporarily or permanently to improve its condition or reliability.
Note that the recommendations the analyst writes in the report may be the work order that the maintenance department will get. Therefore, they must be specific, executable, feasible, and preferably with a condition indicator target.
If more than one recommendation is to be made, you can separate them into different fields. The most critical recommendation should come first.
The analyst can request or create a work order to execute the recommendation. For that, you must select the option “Create work order” and optionally select the fields:
- Priority
- Assigned to
- Expected completion date
- Expected hours of work
Moderation state
Set the moderation state for this report.
Published: The report will be available to other users with access rights.
Draft: The report is not yet complete or is in edition.
Pending Review: The report is pending to be reviewed by a user other than the analyst who created the report, requires a second opinion, or must undergo an approval process.
Revision log message
By default comes "Created by (analyst user)" who made the report. Other analysts or supervisors who review the report can be added in this same field. Likewise, you can leave notes of changes made to the report.
Attached documents
You can attach any additional documents related to this report.
Files that are less than 100 MB can be attached. Allowed file types: TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, JPE, PNG, XLS or XLSX.